Tuesday, June 21, 2005


Damn it. My neck hasn't hurt this badly since-- well, let's just say it wasn't the last car accident I was in but probably a few before that. I only slept on it wrong. Jeezus. I'm icing it now. Maybe I should call my friendly neighborhood acupuncturist. I'm afraid to let anyone do anything to it because of the topical medication which could transfer to others.

Father's day was great and yesterday was great if very weird. There will be more on that in my trannyjournal.

And tomorrow I have a job interview.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Dear people who were stealing my bandwidth...

Look, it's not that I blame you for looking for free internet access. Not at all. I would totally be doing that myself, probably.

But jeezis, you slowed down my connection to a crawl, dudes. And that's just not cool. It's nice that I have friends who can show me how to ban you from my network. And you know what? Since it just started happening, and a bunch of nice college students have moved in downstairs, I bet I know who you are and where you live.

So just stop. I have your MAC addresses and I'm not afraid to use them.

Love and Rockets,
The petty god of the network in apartment 2

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Anger make Kerrick ANGRY!

It's not running interference I dislike. Heck, I'd be really miffed if someone was needed to run interference and I wasn't asked. No. It's feeling like running interference is futile that I dislike.

I like all my friends. I like them when they're sleeping together, I like them when they're not sleeping together. I like them when they get along well, and I like them when they disagree. I have faith in my friends and I generally expect them to treat each other with as much respect as possible under the circumstances. I will not lose friends to tiffs if I can help it. And that is why I throw myself in the middle of things when they get bad.

But I can't fix everything. And some things I shouldn't even try to fix, I know. I just don't have to LIKE that state of affairs.

So, of course, I get irked when my diplomacy is useless. I feel useless. That makes Kerrick mad. Kerrick go ARGH! "ANGER MAKE KERRICK ANGRY! ANGRY KERRICK SMASH! NO MORE ANGER! RHARGH!" Yes, that was supposed to be funny.

So. You: Yes, I want to hear your side of things, just not right now. And you: Make up your mind. And you: Get your feet under you; you're better off this way. And you: Just hang in there, hold a steady course, and stay sane. And you: No one is RIGHT, okay? It sucks for everyone. Andy ou: I love you. Thank you for being sane for me when I can't be.

Thursday, June 09, 2005


All righty then. I'm in Florida again, which is good for my 'hunting for summer work' prospects, and for spending time with those friends of mine who live here.

I saw my future house in Berkeley, and some of the people who are moving out of there, and they are very cool. I look forward to being there. I think it will rock. The neighborhood is cool-- it's very close to frat row, in fact the house is an ex frat-house, but there are bookstores and cafes and restaurants and the Phoebe Hearst Anthropology Museum which I expect to be a lovely example of terrible museum anthropology and will be pleased and surprised if it is otherwise, and Games of Berkeley, all in walking distance. I can walk to the BART in about forty minutes, so getting to school will be no problem (barring the expensive BART fare, but oh well). I'm excited. This will rock.

Monday, June 06, 2005

Hello from San Francisco.

I am in San Francisco now at my home here. I am having to go to jury duty because as some of you probably know, I moved to San Francisco last year. Only problem was, I was still supposed to be in Florida for the summer, working.

So I bought a ticket home and one back to Florida, so I can get back there and find a job ASAP. But, and this is totally my fault, I didn't realize that I needed to plan to stay the whole week. Because, see, they might not take me on the day they said they would; they might call me back on, say, Friday. Since my ticket is paid for and can't be changed, because it's restricted (also my fault for not reading it more carefully) I might have to forfeit that ticket and buy a whole new one. And somehow I don't think the courts will pay me oh six hundred dollars in travel expenses.

I'm frustrated and worried. I don't mind doing jury duty, I just wish that it wouldn't cost me so much damn money.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Last night as I slumbered I 'ad a strange dream...

I dreamed of a sort of experimental erotic ballet Phantom of the Opera, where the action took place around the audience, as if the audience were in the center of a surreal labyrinth. Dancers appeared and disappeared around them with the aid of lights, mirrors, and scrims. The audience was allowed to stand and walk around in the center area. One way mirrors blocked them from the dancers, but these also moved, and were sometimes lit, sometimes transparent, and often partially-lit and partially-transparent. I'm not sure what exactly made it Phantom, except that the labyrinth was sort of like the one in the book. Then when started to wake up I mentally edited it into an erotic film, with bondage. Very interesting.