Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Last night as I slumbered I 'ad a strange dream...

I dreamed of a sort of experimental erotic ballet Phantom of the Opera, where the action took place around the audience, as if the audience were in the center of a surreal labyrinth. Dancers appeared and disappeared around them with the aid of lights, mirrors, and scrims. The audience was allowed to stand and walk around in the center area. One way mirrors blocked them from the dancers, but these also moved, and were sometimes lit, sometimes transparent, and often partially-lit and partially-transparent. I'm not sure what exactly made it Phantom, except that the labyrinth was sort of like the one in the book. Then when started to wake up I mentally edited it into an erotic film, with bondage. Very interesting.


At 4:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love those weird editing moments you can have in dreams just as you wake up...they almost make waking up to the scary alarm clock worth it.

At 11:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you read the original Phantom of the Opera book or one based on anyone of the many movies?

The original is the best.


At 5:07 PM, Blogger Kerrick said...

I read the original long ago and also one by some woman who had a very interesting adaptation of the book, informed by the movies-- I think it was just called Phantom. At least it was very interesting to me at seventeen.

At 6:42 PM, Blogger innocentwater said...

What is it-- next weekend? Ganfee should be putting on a show of the Phantom, complete with things that go boom. I'm pretty sure James is waiting until next weekend, on account of Andrew [played by Chris] not being back yet.

Take care!


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