Sunday, May 01, 2005

Oh, shit, I get it now!

So that's why I've been having such trouble with style lately. I'm writing in English.

I'd been wondering what had caused me to be so convinced that the correct usage is "goddess'" and not "goddess's," and why I keep wanting to put commas outside of quotations. And here I am with the Oxford Classical Dictionary in my lap, and that's exactly what they do. I've been writing in English, instead of American.

Well, at least now I know.


At 10:17 PM, Blogger innocentwater said...

Even the English teachers in my high school taught us wrong. I thought it was correct to put, like when you're using words...

I called it "blah", the blah.

Instead of "blah," the blah.

Yeah. American is hella weird and frequently wrong. At least they're not saying, "Your doing it wrong. Stop making it wierd."


Sux0rs. And you should hear what Chrissy has to say about literacy in Florida, and writing in general. [Chris says, "What? Literacy, here? I didn't know we had that."]

Best of luck to you tonight!

At 5:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, it's only common sense to write in English, at least if you speak English in any form. Things like commas and question marks that are not IN a quotation should not be put in arbitrarily, etc. The only reason that certain grammer and lexical rules and the like differ over here is historical accident - things like bad, colonial printing presses where punctuation would be left off of a sentence if it wasn't put inside the quotations, etc. "American" was only a functional difference once - while "English" is more in line with the way we actually speak and think. It's a wonder that "American" thrives still - we should have done away with it by now - I think our printing capabilities are good enough now, hm?


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