How is the Ren Faire/SCAdian duality like being trans?
Many people start out by dressing at Ren Faires occasionally, and then go full time, and eventually transition to SCAdian.
SCAdians feel they are more "real" or "authentic" than RFs.
RFs think SCAdians are stuck up.
SCAdians think that RFs can't commit.
SCAdians are sometimes accused of coming into RF safe spaces and making the RFs feel inadequate by criticizing them for being less authentic, or for treating it like a hobby instead of an identity or a way of life.
Both are very expensive.
Some people lose or give up their careers and families when they come out as RFs or SCAdians, or when they go full-time.
RFs often say they just enjoy dressing up and pretending to be someone different for a day.
RFs often have highly developed alternate personas that they take on when they dress.
Can anyone think of anything else? Does anyone have the least clue what I'm talking about?
I might if I knew what SCA stood for. Sometimes acronyms make me rather dense.
Society for Creative Anachronism. They're like Ren Faire people, except all the time.
I think that's friggin hilarious. Never thought of that comparison- despite knowing my share of tg-folk & Ren Faire & SCA folk. Fabulous.
Hmmm. Laura thinks the SCAdians should let the RF people do what's best for them. Laura also thinks stuck-up commentary only appropriate if applied to specific party with due reason and not the whole. Both sides need to stop arguing about the duration of the fun time and just enjoy it for what it is.
Yes, this does seem to have a lot in common with trans stuffs. *nodnod*
There is ANOTHER saying about RF's... "Life's not fair, and FAIRE's not life." Being an RF'er for going on 20 years now, (and having associated with the SCA as well) I have seen people literally LIVE an SCA identity 24/7. I guess to them, the real world can be thought of as a Reality Faire.
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