Friday, April 01, 2005

A realization.

How could I have been so stupid? They were right all along. I'm not really transgendered, I've just been deluding myself. Actually my body is infested with Thetans.

Dianetics has shown me that the real reason I am unhappy is that I am infested with all these body thetans, the aliens which cling to our pure and powerful energy structures and drag us down. Thetans are the cause of all ills. Fortunately the Church of Scientology can rid me of them, and give me the tools to save other people from them too. It will be more expensive than transitioning but I am glad I've discovered this because in the end I will be truly happy, unlike the rest of you Suppressive Persons.

Only Scientologists are truly human. The rest of you are just Thetans. Masses of Thetans. Ew. Thetans. So I'm never allowed to speak to you again, because the thetans might get me.



At 11:23 PM, Blogger innocentwater said...

Wow. That must be it! And I'll bet the Thetans have me too!

How do you get rid of them??

Save me, please!

At 11:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey, i wanna join tooooooooo!!!!!!!

scientologists is crunchy!!!!!!!!



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