Year in Retrospective
This time last year I was:
Also celebrating my birthday at Ren Faire
Also needing to clean my room
Still feeling "boy"
Still being an asshole about my insecurities about my gender
Calling myself te/ta/teir
Inventing Serendipity Blackened Chicken
The following month Erin visited, and I will likely be seeing her again soon. In May I wrote angsty gothy poetry about my gender issues and had Freudian dreams and came up with Jungian analogies to explain myself to me. I irritated D, who was staying with us for a time; and this month T has moved out. I started working a construction job. June I continued working. Also, Reagan died, and I linked to a eulogy of him that I said sounded like Hunter S. Thompson; last month, Hunter S. Thompson died. As yet, no eulogy for him that sounds like Reagan. I talked about mistakes and saying hurtful things; this month, I have been saying hurtful things and have decided to take some time out from message boards to forestall this. I also started the ball rolling for San Francisco. I was reading R. Kaldera's Hermaphrodeities for the first time and talking gender theory.
Grandma had her stroke in July, which put her in hospital and would later necessitate her moving into an assisted living facility. I toured Gainesville with amarna, did a robot protest, quit my job, and went to San Francisco. In August I railed at hurricanes-- otherwise there wasn't much else to do. In September were more hurricanes, teaching middle and high schoolers to make silver jewelry in a kiln, and falling down stairs. I prayed to myself to make W. lose the election. I didn't come through on that one. In October I did a Samhain ritual to help clarify my gender issues, and stepped out for awhile on Samhain night; this didn't help immediately, but see where I am now. I also started explaining myself to strangers. In November I did a trans awareness fair at school and I invented Blackbird. In December was the first time I mentioned The Troubles here; in January I interned at the museum and saw Metamorphoses and Boston Marriage and made an appointment with an endo I will be keeping on Tuesday and then it was February and I went back to The City with Rew and broke a guy's stereo with the Psychic Power Ov My Mynd and talked gender theory and then it was this month and I've been working on thesis like mad and I went to Ren Faire today and saw Thryn and Bobq and Storymouse and thought I had diabetes and pruned my message board habit and got a rec for T.
Today I turned 25. Ciara suggests that the year holds a scholarship for me, although less than I need, admission to grad school, and the start of a really great transition. Also a cool roommate when I move. My own reading is more vague because I'm not so good at it. But I'm excited.
Busy year! O_O Wowzers.
Ooh! Next time you show people how to make silver jewelry, can I come too? *is a stone freak*
Also, I'm glad for hearing everything you had to say. Even if I kinda did stupid stuff sometimes. @_@ Boy did the room's atmosphere change then! ^^;;;;;;;;;
But yeah. Many thanks.
Also, I wrote junk. It's on that place where I put stuff. @_@
Rock on! See you at game!!
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