Why can I never keep my damn mouth shut?
You know, it was a convenient rule. Don't try to be honest with people when they're hurting. Be supportive first, constructive later. Well, I broke it tonight in a bad way.
If it's a mistake, the universe will give me a chance to fix it, or to learn from it if it's unfixable. If it wasn't, it'll do some good when the sting wears off. Probably it was both a mistake and not a mistake, and some good and bad will come of it, like everything else.
Well. In my defense, y'Honor, let the record show I wanted to help and had the courage to try.
It is too, too easy to let myself get into this trap I feel closing around me now. I HATE doing shit like that. Do you think I did that for fun? To watch you squirm? You would be grievously mistaken. Do you think I would have said word one of that shit if I didn't care about you more than my own comfort? More than your comfort, for that matter. If I didn't care about you I'd have kept my mouth shut and let you get hurt for it later.
Gods rip you out of your benightedness. I wasn't honest with you when you went off with them in the first place! Good GODS, man, it had to start sometime. If I'd said then "They are treating you like SHIT, grow a spine!" would it have helped? No, probably not. But it would have been SAID.
You deserve better than to suffer what you are suffering now. And hopefully your friends will all be there for you; I count myself one of them, even if you don't after tonight. You can do better than this. You're damned smart, and those times I've gotten a chance to see past your carefully cultivated "cool" I've really liked what I saw. I could have respect for the person you are underneath all that. But that person is never going to grow up if you don't let him out now and again.
This is my prayer to you as the god of your life:
Please let yourself feel your way through the hurt that I've just inflicted to take from it whatever benefit you can. Please see the truth behind my words, no matter what it is-- maybe it isn't in the words themselves, I don't know. Maybe it is some other truth entirely. But please use your powerful and divine inner sight to see it clearly. Please, in cooperation with the rest of the Divine and Demented All, create some new and wonderful life for yourself, one which includes the friends you have and love, in a good and healthy relationship. Please see your way through this because you will come out the other side of this changed, and you may change into something holy and powerful and made of love or you may change into something quite the opposite of that. The choice is ultimately yours along with the responsibility but I know what I'm praying for, lord of your life.
Amen. Awomen. And Halle-Fucking-Lujah.
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So, nu.
You're perfectly justified in bringing these things up, although I'd prefer specificities of accusation to a general sort of "you use people" blanket statement.
That would at least give me the chance to A) try to make amends, or B) defend myself, if such a thing were possible, which it may or may not be as you appear to have your mind set in the matter.
It just blindsided me coming close on the heels of something like commiseration, and as I was in the midst of several rather nice conversations in other simultaneous venues, it was particularly jarring. Perhaps I dealt with it poorly.
Thank you for your efforts, though. I understand they are with the best of intentions. As always.
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