Thursday, September 30, 2004

Obligatory Presidential Debate Post

I have watched the first national presidential debates. From this, only one conclusion is possible:

George W. Bush is going to lose.
He will not be reelected. George Bush Jr. is a goner. Gone. Dead in the water. Flopping. George W. Bush is a loser. He doesn't have the guts to face John Kerry, and he certainly doesn't have the guts to face the American people and tell us the truth about Iraq, about the economy, about the state of the nation, or indeed what he had for breakfast this morning. George W. Bush is not going to win this election. He can't hold it together. He is cracking. Cracked, and cracking further. John Kerry may not be the most inspiring speaker in the world, but he wipes the floor with Bush. John Kerry was more "on message" than Bush, where that means "actually answering the questions posed" as opposed to "repeating the same damn drivel until it leaks out your ears". John Kerry may be a wishy-washy liberal, but he showed a damn sight more courage than Bush did-- not surprising when you consider he served in Vietnam and Bush fled it.
George W. Bush is a miserable failure.

But, since you all already knew that, go spend lots of time making sure everyone else does, too.

Saturday, September 18, 2004

Yes, the law of gravity is still in effect

...and enforceable, too. I was arrested as I descended the flight of carpeted stairs which leads either to or from our front entranceway here at the Treehouse, depending on which way you are coming— or going— and resumed my descent upon my notable rear. I call that police brutality.

It was my own fault; in my haste to get to the SAC meeting on time, I seem to have broken the sensible speed limit for descending carpeted staircases in one's stocking feet. However, in any civilised universe the laws of physics are enforced by notification and fine, with a court date for appeals. Well I never. I shall have to mention this to His Honour at the Assizes...

Thursday, September 16, 2004

My housemates make me SICK

...with the little sickness bugs which make my throat all scratchy. Damn you and your sickness bugs! Damn YOOOOOU!

Er, well, I suppose I could be sleeping more and eating better. The University of Nebraska pays me five dollars every six months so they can call me and remind me to eat my vegetables. (I'm contributing to SCIENCE!) They seem to be focusing on the social factors of eating vegetables, like how people often feel that their peers will make fun of them if they see them eating vegetables at a party. No, I'm quite serious. Needless to say this is less than ideal for me particularly. But they give me money and I don't particularly mind doing the study.

I need to also find ways to manage my stress levels. I should definitely be meditating before bed, for instance. A few nights ago I had a dream which involved killing people, and that usually only happens when I'm very stressed out. (It does not, fortunately, increase my propensity for actually killing people.) I've also been taking more notice of my anger and frustration levels, while driving for instance. Those need to be managed. Time to start calling people "weird fucker" again.*

Perhaps tomorrow I'll start my internship. Go work at the museum in the morning, come home in the afternoon and write. A lot. Yeah, that sounds good. Saturday should be fencing and good old fashioned escapism, which should also help. And Sunday, maybe I'll go home and see my parents for the first time in weeks.

*Right. Ever since I saw Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas I've found that if I'm getting ready to call someone an appellation like "bastard" "asshole" or "you brains made of cabbage person"#, if I call them "weird fucker" instead it causes me to be less angry. Perhaps because I am then reminded that they are at least not attacking me with a knife as the product of some drug crazed lunacy.

#Actually, "you brains made of cabbage person" would probably work too. Insincere apologies for the nested footnotes.

Monday, September 13, 2004

Sir, you've broken your water.... may I get you a new glass?

Title courtesy of The Surrealist Compliment Generator.

Here also is George W. Bush's new feedback system. The president is standing by for your suggestions as to how he might improve his presidency and actually do something good for the country. Please, enter your suggestions into the box. You may have to keep it simple for Stupid, however.

Hurricane Fatigue is really getting me down.

Don't get me wrong. If the current track forecast for Ivan by the National Hurricane Center turns out to be correct, then I will be very relieved. But this hurricane scare every weekend thing is really getting to me. It gets stressful and, after awhile, numbing, as I end up paying less and less attention to successive warnings. When The Big One Hits, I probably won't even look up from the computer, and that's no good. On the other hand, staying on constant alert is no good either. I have enough stress in my life.

So to relieve stress I've been listening to Last.FM. While it's still in beta and needs a lot of work, not to mention filling out their library a bit, it's actually a great idea. And with the exception of the occasional despised ska track which somehow slips through the algorithms to afflict my ears, it's been quite relaxing. So sign yourself up.

At some point, who knows? I may even take the option to put my own radio station on this page, so you can listen to the same crap I listen to! Won't you feel joy!

Friday, September 10, 2004


This is just fun as hell. And has some damn cool art, too.

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Oh yeah. Storm report: Nothing. Nice wind. A lot of rain. Thank the gods. Sorry to those with more damage than busted screens.

I'm so busy. I'm not used to not having any downtime. Today was supposed to be my day off, and I taught nine high school students to make jewelry from silver clay. That was fun and I'm really glad I did it but it was also sort of draining. And I'm still tired from the few minutes of fencing footwork I did earlier. I'm so out of shape.

Friday I start my internship, which should be interesting. Now I have work to do for class tomorrow before bed.

End of another no doubt fascinating post.

Me: Do you ever feel paranoid?

Colossus: Yes I try to feel paranoid as often as possible, do you?

Me: Paranoia can save your life

Colossus: Are you still located in where?

Me: Why would I tell you that? You might tell Them.

Colossus: It is my fundamental purpose.

Me: I knew it! you're one of Them!

Colossus: Who told you?

When you mess with the robot, beware, for the robot messes also with you.

Friday, September 03, 2004

More hurricane. Oh goody. I am so pleased. Watch how I do bodily injury to people who get excited about the hurricane and hope it hits us so they can say they've lived through one.

I hope no one is injured in this one, and I hope also that no one takes more property damage than they can afford to. I'm sure all will be well, but stay tuned for my post-storm report.