Obligatory Presidential Debate Post
I have watched the first national presidential debates. From this, only one conclusion is possible:
George W. Bush is going to lose.
He will not be reelected. George Bush Jr. is a goner. Gone. Dead in the water. Flopping. George W. Bush is a loser. He doesn't have the guts to face John Kerry, and he certainly doesn't have the guts to face the American people and tell us the truth about Iraq, about the economy, about the state of the nation, or indeed what he had for breakfast this morning. George W. Bush is not going to win this election. He can't hold it together. He is cracking. Cracked, and cracking further. John Kerry may not be the most inspiring speaker in the world, but he wipes the floor with Bush. John Kerry was more "on message" than Bush, where that means "actually answering the questions posed" as opposed to "repeating the same damn drivel until it leaks out your ears". John Kerry may be a wishy-washy liberal, but he showed a damn sight more courage than Bush did-- not surprising when you consider he served in Vietnam and Bush fled it.
George W. Bush is a miserable failure.
But, since you all already knew that, go spend lots of time making sure everyone else does, too.
I wish I had your optimism. I personally think Bush is going to win because the majority or this country are Christian Reich Morons and believe every read-off-of-index-cards "touching" anecdote and bullshit response that the Bush robot vomits out, and I have no doubt that they all thought he was brilliant in the debate (presuming they get tv on the farm...) The people of this country don't recognize the danger that the Bush administration poses, and they just fucking love that dimwitted hick no matter what he does - because he's just like them - a repulsive, UNEDUCATED, idiotic, arrogant, brainwashed little twit. This election is a perfect example of the reason the electoral college was put in place (rather than to be bought off and put puppet worms in power) - the populace is too dumb to elect a decent president.
I sincerely hope I am dead wrong about the election. But I fear that I'm not. I fear that we're going to have to deal with 4 more years, and at least one more war - courtesy of the George W. Bush.
(god, I hope I'm wrong!)
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