Monday, September 13, 2004

Hurricane Fatigue is really getting me down.

Don't get me wrong. If the current track forecast for Ivan by the National Hurricane Center turns out to be correct, then I will be very relieved. But this hurricane scare every weekend thing is really getting to me. It gets stressful and, after awhile, numbing, as I end up paying less and less attention to successive warnings. When The Big One Hits, I probably won't even look up from the computer, and that's no good. On the other hand, staying on constant alert is no good either. I have enough stress in my life.

So to relieve stress I've been listening to Last.FM. While it's still in beta and needs a lot of work, not to mention filling out their library a bit, it's actually a great idea. And with the exception of the occasional despised ska track which somehow slips through the algorithms to afflict my ears, it's been quite relaxing. So sign yourself up.

At some point, who knows? I may even take the option to put my own radio station on this page, so you can listen to the same crap I listen to! Won't you feel joy!


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