An mp3 version of an interview W was subjected to by Carole Coleman of Radio Telefeis Eire. It is interesting to listen to him trying to figure out how to deal with an actual reporter.
"My job is to do my job."
Carole Coleman Bush Interview
An mp3 version of an interview W was subjected to by Carole Coleman of Radio Telefeis Eire. It is interesting to listen to him trying to figure out how to deal with an actual reporter.
Raven Kaldera's book Hermaphrodeities is the best transgender spirituality workbook I've ever come across. It's also the only transgender spirituality workbook I've come across, but that in no way lessens its greatness. I am impressed. I want very much to get together a transgender-genderqueer-genderflexible esoteric spirituality group at some point. Maybe I'll find one in SF; everything else is there.
Something I recently wrote in a newsgroup post:
So, about a month from now, I'm off to San Francisco. I'm jumping off a really big bridge and I'm not really sure if there's water under me. Even if there is, water has the tendency to be hard upon landing. this year is going to be the most stressful of my life so far but I'll get through it. The year after may very well be even more stressful. However, I have a plan. First, I may or may not do my name change in the next month, so I can get my driver's license with my new name and apply to SFSU under my new name, with my new name on my diploma. Second, I will establish permanent residence in San Francisco. Third, I will take the GRE. Fourth, I will successfully apply for admission to SFSU's MA Museum Studies Program. Fifth, I will graduate from New College with a well-written, valuable thesis. Sixth, I will get an apartment in San Francisco and a job-- I have a lead on the latter, which is the important thing-- and I'll start my MA in the fall of 2005.
Metasynthie posted this awhile back in the trans forum:
Promiscuity is all in your genes! - News Details, Is it just me or is this idea horrifying beyond belief? What if I don't WANT to be gene-modified to pairbond for life with one person who might not be a good partner? You fiends! Go back to making glow-in-the-dark bunny rabbits! Good GODS, man, you don't know the forces you're tampering with!
Excerpt from what I wrote in my physical journal last night:
The Village Voice: Features: Death of a Salesman by Tom Carson The best eulogy for Reagan I've read, heard, or seen yet. Something of Hunter S. Thompson crossed with Norman Rockwell.
Also, why is my mouse acting like it needs its testicle cleaned? It's an optical! Argh. I should go to bed before frustration consumes me.
Today, worked from 12:30 to 6:30 cutting lumber, framing a wall, and hitting things with a hammer, quite happily in fact. It was fun, other than working with the two-by-tens which were pressure treated, damp, long, and HEAVY. Those were for filling in sections of the block wall which hadn't come together properly and were too big for mortar. I ended the day tired but happy.
There is a certain particular pleasure in sanding roughly-plastered drywall to a smooth finish. And in the work of a nihilist michaelangelo, painting vast expanses of white nothing on tiny chapel ceilings.