Sunday, January 29, 2006

It's so unusual

I've been so busy in the last week. I've worked much harder than I'm used to just to be in all the places I'm supposed to be and get done even half of what I'm supposed to have done. It's been really hard to keep up.

But I've been okay. Once the major house trauma was sorted— and let me confess my awareness that while it's as sorted as it's going to get, there's no guarantee the person concerned will not continue to affect all our lives in some way— I've been able to focus more. I'm still on the recoil, but at least now I'm back to having a grip of some sort, and not feeling like there's going to be a total emergency demanding my attention at any time.

Then there's being in love, and while I'm really just riding that at the moment, part of me is also examining what that feels like this time around. I'm trying not to judge it in comparison with or in the context of my past relationships and just let it be what it is, and I think that's the best approach. It's hard for me to talk or write about my feelings in this context because I come from a a background where intimate relationships are the most private of matters. More on this as I overcome my mental blocks.

Monday, January 23, 2006

After the Holiday Special Stops Being Rerun...

To recap my holidays:

I drove with Rew to Florida, although he did most of the driving. It was astonishingly not a terrible ordeal, except for traffic in Texas, fog in Texas, and Texas in Texas. The holidays were pleasant and I enjoyed seeing my family again, and those friends I could round up from Sarasota. Then I flew back and arrived at Wilde House at 11pm New Years' Eve. There was, of course, a party in progress.

Since then I've been training to teach the MCAT, training to be house co-president, picking up some temp work at the arts and consciousness department here at jfku, starting to actually teach the MCAT, starting to really be house co-president, helping with writing a grant proposal for converting Wilde to solar power, and trying to do well in my classes as well.

These things are a little stressful, of course. But I am generally happy. I'm in love, for one thing, with someone who seems to love me back. That's always nice. It's also a nice feeling to be accomplishing things, and to be made to grow as a person, even if it's difficult.