Holidays over
I got off lucky. Love to those of you who weren't so fortunate.
Last night I was half awake and half asleep, and I dreamed I traveled astrally to a place which was known to be troubled by unhappy spirits. I wanted to fix this, so I boldly strode in, dropped my shields, and said "Okay, what do you have to say?" Instantly one of the entities possessed me, and I observed with mild irritation as my body, back in my bedroom, coughed and buckled and a giant snake-shaped manifestation made of mucous shot out of my mouth. I could quite physically feel this, although obviously it didn't happen physically. I recall thinking, "Okay, fine, be that way. This is not communication, and you sure as hell aren't taking advantage of me again." So as soon as I had wrested control back I banished, shielded with four elements and a ring of flashing knives, and left without a look behind me. Then I woke up.
Me too.
I dare not breathe much more than a small sigh of relief, for the Other Three Quarters (which would be a great band-name) are talking at the moment. But I have hope.
...and gradual amputation of friendships by means of an emotional tourniquet.