Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Oh yes... and in other news...

Monday night I ended up at a coffee shop when a political discussion was in session, so I sat down and took part. There were some older people there, Rew, and a friend of Rew's from the theatre, and we talked about the debates, religion in state institutions, "Columbus Day", and many another side-topic. I felt bolstered and reassured that many people who are very different from me share my opinions on these issues.

They treated me as a woman, and I asked them not to and told them I was transgendered, and they elected not to say anything about it. They didn't ask questions and I didn't volunteer any further information. I'm not sure whether that was good or not. But they seemed like they would welcome me back, so I'll probably go again next week.

Also my chain mail project was much admired by the older guy. :)


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