Saturday, October 09, 2004

"the mauve faeries are boys, the white ones are girls, and there are some colours who don't know what they are."

-- from Peter Pan.

I had this conversation today:

"I'm Kereth. I'm a boy, by the way, which isn't always immediately apparent."
"Wha--? Nuh-uh."
"Um, yes. I'm transgendered."
"No, not really...?"
"You're kidding."
(five more minutes of this)
"Oh. ... So what's that like?"

I was somewhat surprised to find I didn't have a ready answer. How do you encapsulate something as complicated as a gender identity, especially MY gender identity, into a soundbite for someone not willing to entertain, at first, the notion that transgender is anything more than a joke? She was at least very nice once we got past that, but I suppose it was my first attempt at actually explaining myself to someone willing to challenge me. It was nerve-wracking. My palms were sweaty, my stomach was in knots, and I felt humiliated. And this is something I'm going to have to get used to doing, unless I'd prefer to be driven insane by people's ignorance. The spirit is willing, o Gods, but the adrenals are shot to hell.
But afterwards, I felt better, in some indescribable way. I'd like to be able to explain things just once to everyone, but it's not going to happen. I don't mind answering questions, but starting from scratch with strangers is really hard. It's good to remember I'm not the first person to go through this, though. Nor is it as hard for me, as most people at New College have some general idea that transgendered people exist.


At 2:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

why do you, or anyone for that matter, have to explain yourself to others?
the only thing i can think of is to educate. beyond that, why bother communicating somethign as deeply personal as you SELF to people that are ultimately worthy only of one's contempt.

we looooves you, thingy.


At 3:45 PM, Blogger Kerrick said...

Well, because in order for me to experience what it's like to be treated as the gender I identify-- which I should do for awhile before I make any earth-shattering changes-- I have to ask people to be treated that way. And then they want to know why. And since I'm asking for something from them, offering a reason is-- well, reasonable. If it were obvious to everyone that I am not a girl, then I wouldn't need to explain, necessarily. Then I would have the option of only explaining to people I am close to, or want to become close to, or no one at all, for that matter. But for now this is something I'll have to learn to deal with.

At 3:46 PM, Blogger Kerrick said...

and I love you too. Thank you for your love. It gives me a safe place to rest in a world full of well-meaning inquisitors. :)

At 7:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, you do have a sort of ambiguous nature. I suppose it comes from the fact that you appear fairly female, act with masculinity, and project yourself as neither male nor female in your mind. I don't mean to offend-- I just mean that it is a bit confusing. Don't feel threatening, or upset. We love you here [at NCF], no matter how you define or don't define yourself. You're just Kereth, right? Anyone who can't accept that needs to examine their own situation.

At least ignorance is curable, right? Not on a global scheme, because it does spread a bit like a virus. At least you are making a difference. There are others who wouldn't.

I wish you the best.

At 7:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I meant "threatened". Whoops. ^^;;;;;


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