Friday, May 07, 2004

Had a very freudian dream last night-- I was swimming in a river with Fledermaus, in my boxers, and dare I note that the river was full of all kinds of life, shining and clear and generally lovely? and he brought up how sad it is that some people hate rivers, and actively seek to despoil, pollute, dam, and destroy them. Yes, I said. But you should realize that some people who seem to hate rivers have good reason for disliking this particular one. You see, this river is manmade-- it only exists because a natural river somewhere upstream was dammed. Yes, Selkie said from the shore, dangling her toes in the water. I heard about that at FCAN. She was sad because she couldn't go swimming too. I believe Hobobob was there as well behind her, silent in the background, fully clothed and not looking at all eager to get wet.

Today's gender: Mostly androgyne, with scattered Byrony, and a slight chance of invertedness towards late afternoon. Tomorrow's outlook: Partially male with a 50% chance of Oscar Wilde.


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