Monday, May 24, 2004

...and predictably enough I can't get to sleep.

I've been following D around, infuriatingly fixing everything he does wrong. Can't leave that light on. Nope, that's a fluourescent; you don't turn that one on and off because it uses as much energy turning on as it does in an hour of steady use. Don't leave the AC on with the door open. If it's too hot to turn the AC off you can't leave the door open. The dryer's too loud and I'm trying to sleep. Jeezus.

Thing is, I know what my problem is. I'm just adapting to having one more person in the house, and feeling like my space is being infringed on. This makes me extra sensitive to everything D does, because I'm conscious of him. Like Inez and Garcin in No Exit. I'll calm down in a few days, once I adapt. But right now I'm so conscious of the extra presence, and this is making me worry so much about stupid things like the steadily mounting electric bill, that I can't sleep. After I made him cut off the dryer so I could.

This makes me worry about being an asshole, and that makes it harder to sleep.

I'm gonna go meditate now. Hopefully I can speed up the adaption process a little. I'll explain things in the morning and apologize, again.


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