Friday, February 27, 2004

The gender workshop was pretty cool. I felt comfortable speaking, and everyone was very supportive, until a woman got belligerent over the main speaker's assertion that transgendered people are murdered with a high frequency, and there's also a high instance of their murderers getting away with it. The woman got very upset and started being very pushy. I told her if she left me her e-mail address I would do the research and send her the results. She didn't, but I'm going to do some research anyway and see if I can get it to her through the volunteer who knows her.

Wednesday, February 25, 2004


I've finally ordered silver for making the jewelry. Excellent. I can't wait for it to ship. I plan to make some very interesting things. First project? Probably cufflinks, since I have that shirt that needs them. I hope eventually to have a website and sell individual and custom fine silver jewelry and such, but for now I just need to get ready to show other people how to do this.

Tonight I'm participating in a talk about gender stuff. I look forward to it, but I'm a little nervous.

Sunday, February 22, 2004

I'm working on this.

Why do I need another blog?

Sick of the services I use already.

So this is a placeholder. This blog is going to immediately replace the entitything blurty, gradually replace the Hall of Arcanology (which will be reverted to its original function), and fulfill the function of being both contact and news outpost for my friends, old and new. It will have to do with many of the things I am interested in, which includes ancient history, fantasy, roleplaying games, academia, gender variance, glbtiq issues, and many other things I might run across. This will not take the place of my private online journal. So this is really an effort to consolidate, not diversify. But we'll see.